We strive to be conscientious global citizens and investors
We are committed to an investment process and a working environment that supports sustainable and socially responsible behaviour.
In pursuing our role as responsible investors, we are committed to integrating environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations within our analysis and decision-making processes, and to being active owners, promoting appropriate policies and disclosure wherever possible.
ESG factors are increasingly important drivers of risk and opportunity within the businesses underlying many of our investments, as well as providing a framework for a more general consideration of responsible corporate behaviour.
Acasta Partners is a signatory to the UN Principles for Responsible Investment (UNPRI).
Diversity & inclusion
We are committed to building an inclusive and diverse workplace that is welcoming to people of all backgrounds. Our investment process is collaborative by design and benefits from the disparate perspectives that a heterogenous team can provide.
We have partnered with community and educational institutions in offering work experience, educational outreach and scholarship, bursary and mentorship opportunities.